I woke up this morning and on the handle of the front door I see a menu hanging. But not just a menu... a "Drunk Card" from D.P. Dough.

Everyone knows that, even before I could drink, I wasn't a fan of alcohol. I've let up a bit in terms of my opinion of it and those who consume it often, but hearing about or being around college students who drink to excess still annoys me more than a lot of other things. I understand that it's the culture and that it's possible to be responsible. I put that responsibility into the hands of the students themselves that are making the decisions. However, it really grinds my gears that a local restaurant would put this out there the Sunday before classes start.

It really shouldn't surprise me--it didn't surprise Philip at all--and what can I expect living close to campus? But what kind of message is D.P Dough sending to students? They have their business to make--sure, but if they're going to do this, why not also put the number of a cab company on the card? Or maybe even an asterisk next to the phrase "If you find me drunk beyond function..." that says, "*But please drink responsibly and eat here even if you're not drunk beyond function."

I just don't really find the purpose of them doing this. To give everyone a chuckle? To make students think that D.P. Dough is a super cool place that "gets" students? Because nobody is actually going to keep this thing in their wallet. Maybe if they included that cab company phone number on it, students might keep it. And then I might also not dislike D.P. Dough from now on for perpetuating the idea that being "drunk beyond function" is something to joke about.


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