30 Days of Lists - Days 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Favorite Girl Names
  • Natalie (Do not steal it... I have no qualms with stickin' you. Name that movie.) 
  • Audrey
  • Jenna (Philip doesn't like those two names. Right--like we're actually ever having kids to use these names, anyway.) 
  • Elisabeth as a middle name
Favorite Boy Names
  • Elliott
  • Elijah
  • Tristan
  • Kieran
Dinner Party Guests

Oh gosh... I can't wait until we have our own little house and we can have people over. I will be nervous, though, and will inevitably feel like an inadequate dinner party hostess. But in any case...
  • Family! Dad, Ryan, Peggy, Randy, Adam
  • Family! Joy, Phil, Grandma Bean, Brooke, the girls
  • Friends! Hannah and Mike

Events I'd Like to Attend

  • Any red carpet movie premiere
  • Olympics
  • Las Vegas on the 4th of July
There are a lot more, but I can't think right now.

Things I'd Like to Learn
  • To cook fancy things and normal, non-fancy things
  • A foreign language and sign language
  • Proper photography skills
  • History (British and a refresh on American)
  • A musical instrument, probably piano


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