Marriage Monday - Rehearsal Dinner

Our rehearsal dinner was at Swingers Grille, which is a pretty fancy place to have a rehearsal dinner. :) When we first walked in, I saw two coworkers from Heartland--it was so funny to see familiar faces in the whirlwind! We got settled back in the little banquet room and had our delicious meal. Then it was time to open gifts!

Other Marriage Monday stuff:
  • Philip was sick with the flu a little while ago. It was the first time he's actually been sick that I've been around him and able to take care of him. "Taking care of him" consisted of me buying him medicine and a vanilla milkshake from McDonald's and saying "oh honey," when he looked at me all miserable. Poor thing.
  • Our wedding announcement was in the Pantagraph yesterday.
  • My dad mentioned yesterday that he had a phone call from one of my mom's old colleagues from State Farm. She called to say that she had seen the announcement in the paper and that she wanted to tell him how beautiful and smart I am. How sweet is that?! After all of this time, the impression my mom made on people is still palpable.


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