I'm feeling pretty good about school tonight, which is a change. After meeting with Dr. Marcia, I have some more information about practicum and graduate assistantship for next year. Now it's just a matter of waiting... until next month to start emailing universities in England about doing an internship there... until February before the assistantships start opening up. I hate waiting. These are some nerve-racking things to go through because it will test my competence. I feel like others have the advantage, but I am okay at putting my thoughts together if I have time to prepare and I'm a pretty personable person, so I think I might have a chance. My hope is to get on somewhere at Cambridge University, though I still have some more research to do. They don't necessarily have a "Dean of Students" or a specific student affairs department like colleges here in the United States do and that makes it tricky because I'm not sure where I'll fit in. I really hope for a GA position next year that I get something directly related to academic advising. I would venture to say that it's pretty imperative that I get something that's directly related to academic advising because I need some concrete experience to put on my resume. I think most positions say 3-5 years, and I obviously will not have that. I've learned though, from getting hired at BroMenn, that what they say they want is not necessarily what they're going to hire--it just weeds out the totally unprepared and unexperienced. We'll see though. Again, I just hate waiting. But wait, I shall.


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