Things can hit hard.

Mollie just told me a story about a "miscarriage" here a few years ago at the hospital of a baby who was 19 weeks and 6 days. At less than 20 weeks, they don't do anything for the baby because it more than likely won't survive and even if it does, it will have many health and developmental issues. The baby was born alive, but in this case, it was still considered a miscarriage. She lived for three hours. The parents didn't want to see her, but Mollie was asked to come bless her before she died. Mollie said that the baby's heart was beating--she wasn't even breathing--and that was the only movement happening, but when Mollie touched her forehead to bless her, she moved. She moved! A miracle in its own sense.

I recently watched a very graphic video on what the "tissue" looks like from an abortion at around 20 weeks. It's a baby. It has a face and arms and legs. It's disgusting but at the same time beautiful and tragic. It did make me think more deeply about having an abortion for no reason other than not wanting the baby. A terrible situation, regardless.


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