Increasingly disappointed that I haven't heard anything from Cambridge yet, but I know I just need to settle down a little bit because it's only been a week. Not even a week. I just really hope to have something squared away by the end of the month because I can't handle not knowing. It's all I think about. I feel like I should be thinking of different universities but I just don't want to. I'm set on Cambridge for the distinguished factor and the Heather's-been-there factor and the not-a-huge-town factor and I've really just generally fallen in love with it since doing so much research on it. I could always fall back on working in the Community Relations department where Heather did her internship, but I don't like that idea for several reasons--one, it has nothing to do with students and two, I have very little interest in it, and three, I would hate to do the exact same thing that she did. I'll give it another week, I guess, before exploring other places. My hope is that my email is being circulated and just hasn't found the right person yet. My fear is that I was too wordy in the email but also didn't provide enough information. Maybe they think I'm asking for a paid position--should I have said that I don't expect to be paid? Maybe I should have included this and not that... Oh, so many things going through my little brain. I will find a place, but I'm just scared that it won't be ideal and I want it to be ideal because when will I ever do this again? I want to have the best experience possible. Of course I do.
So the situation with the parent has been, I guess, about 75% resolved. Cecilia did some investigating and it sounds like the whole thing was pretty much pointless (the student doesn't even need the class?!). I'm annoyed and frustrated because the mother took a completely different angle with Cecilia, which probably makes me look worse. Cecilia reassured me that I did fine and that I shouldn't worry about it. I still feel awful; that mother said some very hurtful things that will probably stick with me for awhile. I still feel like crying about the whole thing. I hate feeling incompetent, but the thing that's worse is that I'm worried that Cecilia doesn't think I'm a good advisor. She doesn't know me well enough to know that I care, that I listen, and that I'm patient and understanding. All she knows is what she hears from other people and, unfortunately, this parent probably had a lot of bad things to say about me, which really just came from a pl...
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