Well, I guess it's actually happening that my brother is moving to Nevada with his girlfriend. They're leaving tomorrow to start the drive and he just came to say goodbye to Dad and me. It's pretty sad. I couldn't believe it until I saw it, but now I've seen it. It's very strange to think that in the future I can only see him if I plan it well in advance and get on a plane to get there.

With all of the shit that has happened in the past two years for him, this really seems like the culmination of change. It could go either way--extremely good or extremely bad. I hope it turns him around; I hope they're able to work on their relationship in a healthy way and I hope he's able to get a decent job and start to rebuild his life legitimately. He can always come back if it doesn't work out.

I was surprised how emotional I got when he was walking out the door. It's not like we hung out all the time, but it's just knowing that he's not within a short driving distance that is hard. People do it all the time though, and I might try to get out there in March over Spring Break since Sheila is living in Las Vegas now. Life is so crazy and I have a feeling it will continue to be that way for a while.


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