Once you start doing things alone and are used to it, it feels so liberating. There's a scene in a Sex and the City episode where Carrie is sitting at a restaurant outside by herself, just taking in the view and not being afraid of being alone. Owning being alone. Not waiting for someone else, not reading a book, or having something to work on. Just being there. Alone. On purpose.

Today I sat at Subway by myself and ate my tuna sandwich and then I went to go see the movie An Education. (Sidenote: I'm glad that I went to go see that movie. Of course my main attraction initially was the combination of things I love--ya know, England, love stories, education--but it was actually a good story with believable actors. Not the most fast-paced, but still good nonetheless. I like Carey Mulligan and forgot that she was also in Pride & Prejudice with Kiera Knightley.)

I've seen a lot of movies by myself in the past couple years and I really just love it. Granted, I do tend to pick obscure times to go when the theatre might not be so packed, but I still go. (Another scene from perhaps the same episode of Sex and the City: when Charlotte exclaims "On date night?!" to Carrie saying that she went to go see a movie the night before. Not sure if I would go by myself on date night, even if New York City was my date.) I leave the theatre feeling something that I can't quite describe.

I wonder if I'll ever get tired of being alone. I spend an awful lot of time by myself. I think it might be because at work I'm the center of everything. I mean, not really the center of everything, but I see everyone come and go and know where everyone is at pretty much any given moment; it's assumed that I know, so I'm continually asked. It actually becomes a bit frustrating to always be bugged, to always be interrupted. Not only do I know what everyone else is doing, they always know what I'm doing. (Side note: I'll be extremely ecstatic when I have my own office someday.) So anyway, I think I enjoy being alone when I come home after being in the middle of that nonsense all day long, paired with the fact that I'm an introvert. So maybe someday I won't need to go restaurants and movies by myself. Maybe someday I'll need to have someone go with me like most other people I bet really need to not be alone. I guess we'll see.


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