Didn't get the Honors Program GA. I forgot how much it stings to be rejected. It sucks. It really, really sucks.

I've had a different experience with this rejection, though. Christie personally emailed to tell me they chose someone else and offered really great advice to me on my interview after I asked her for feedback. There are just so many things to consider in an interview; I feel like I get so overwhelmed and worried about answering right that I forget what I've even done and how it relates. Pair that with not having much confidence in my own abilities and experiences (at least in regards to student affairs) = not good.

All of this is making me wonder, again, if I'm cut out for this. I wonder if I shot myself in the foot for only being a part-time student and not having an assistantship this past year. I sometimes find myself wondering if I really even know anything about student affairs at all. I wish I would've known how competetive this program seems to be. I'm not going to lie... I'm scared.


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