A few days ago I started to write this post about how it seems like three issues are constantly being blasted everywhere lately. (And when I say everywhere, I mean on facebook.) I was going to talk about how I think those who dislike Spanish-speakers and those who are fanatical about having guns and those who oppose the mosque near ground zero are all fearful bigots who essentially dislike anyone who is different from them and are generally mistrusting of other human beings. I'm over it, though, for now. I realize those words are strong and I may or may not feel that way, but the passion's gone, so I'm not going to pursue it.

Life is semi-crazy right now, as I predicted. I survived the first week of being a full-time grad student and it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. The schedule is nuts--don't get me wrong--but the content is actually fun and interesting. Work at the Accommodations Office is going well. I'm doing lots of student training which makes me happy because I'm finally working with students and I'm feeling competent about it. Soon things will be changed up and I will be out of my comfort zone again, but it comes with the territory. Work at Academic Advising is going well, too. I feel a little lost, actually; I'm not going to lie. Right now I'm sitting at the front desk quite a bit and shadowing the advisors. I basically feel like a nuisance, though I'm learning a lot. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do besides those two things and I need to clarify with Cecilia. I do like it, though, and I'm excited for when I feel comfortable with everyone and everything. It's just a learning curve.

Class was good this first week. Cultures will be interesting, but probably the most work (because it's Dr. Phyllis). Stats will probably not be fun, but the professor seems super sweet and understanding. Counseling will be good. The prof is new--it's his first time teaching. He's actually really nice, humble, smart, and funny. ("There's no reason you should not get an A in this class." I like to hear that, especially when I know I'll also actually learn something.)

I've officially decided to grow my hair out again. I'm basically tired of straightening it all the time (chemically--it's expensive and just bad for my hair; out of the shower--just such a pain in the butt). Though I like myself better with straight, short hair, I really need to get over it because I cannot keep it up for the rest of my life. So here's another attempt at embracing the way my hair actually is... 


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