Well, I've officially begun my graduate assistantship. I was so excited to get this name tag! It represents me being a second-year grad student AND being full-time... things that I've been so ready for. I've been looking forward to feeling as though I'm a part of my cohort group for a long time, and I'm closer to that now.

I've had three days of learning the ins and outs of the Accommodations Office so far. It seems fairly easy, but right at the beginning when everything is new, it's always overwhelming. My supervisor, Brady, seems really nice and easygoing. I've been so lucky to have the best supervisors and I think Brady will be no different.

I got an email back from Cecilia at Heartland. I'm going to try to intern a little in the advisement center there over the next year and do a practicum there in the spring; I'm just trying to get as much experience as possible. Hopefully I'll be able to actually do some advising since that's the whole point, but I'm not sure how that'll work. I'm supposed to meet with her this week or next week to chat it over.

So life is full of transitions and newness right now. It feels like it's been this way since May and I'm okay with that. I like change and feel like I need it often, but I also like routine and feeling competent and confident. It's a good thing that life is kind of like that all of the time.


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