That's meeeee. A busy bee. Like usual. (Can you tell that I just always put a picture at the beginning of my blog? It keeps the spacing of the following paragraphs the way they should be. I still wish I could figure out how to fix that without needing a picture.)

I don't think anything terribly new has been happening lately. Just living week to week. I'm amazed how fast the weeks go. It's probably because life is just insane and doesn't slow down until Friday afternoon. Luckily, my weekends haven't been very busy at all so I've had time to just relax and be by myself a bit. The weeks go by quickly, but at the same time, I can't believe that there are still seven weeks until the semester is over. I guess that doesn't sound that bad. And I'm lucky--I think coursework could've been a lot worse than what it's turning out to be.

I met with Dr. Phyllis today to discuss several things that have been on my mind regarding my skills, experience, and job search. I've been worrying a lot about not having enough of anything and everything on my resume compared to a lot of my competitors... ahem... I mean, cohortmates. She made me feel better about my experience in disability work and advising. She thinks all of the things that I've been thinking about doing (Civil Rights Movement Trip, ASB, different trainings/workshops) will help me. I was relieved to hear that she doesn't think I need to go to The Placement Exchange (TPE). TPE is basically a big conference with different universities/colleges who have job openings. Tons of candidates go and interview back-to-back for these jobs and I had heard that going to TPE is the way to get a job in student affairs. The jobs are mostly in housing and orientation, though--areas that I don't have any experience or interest in. She said that she didn't think it would be worth it for me to go and I was really glad that she said that because I did not want to go at all. She did mention that I could go to Osh Kosh (another placement event) and be an "interviewer" (for our grad program) instead and see how interviews are from that angle. So I'm going to apply to go on the Civil Rights Movement Trip and be an advisor for Alternative Spring Break. I think both of these things will be fun anyway and give me a little more to put on my resume in terms of supervision and leadership experience. I'm still just really worried about finding a job, but Dr. Phyllis didn't seem that concerned about it, which makes me feel a little bit better. For now, anyway.


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