(I got this super cute countdown calendar from Hallmark. I just love it. It's all magnetic and it's on my fridge. The little shapes are magnetic too--you remove one each day. So adorable!) 

I just cannot believe that it's December! I'm quite excited for Christmas, though. For some reason I've been more into Christmas this year... even before Halloween I was excited for it, which isn't like me at all. (We all know how I love Halloween! It's my fav!) I don't know why I seem to be more excited than normal, though. I think it might be because of the break. That alone would do it, I suppose. I am also sad for Christmas this year, because unfortunately I have significantly less money and, therefore, can't buy as many gifts as I would like. I know that it's not all about the gifts, but I just like giving presents and not being able to buy everyone everything that I want (or at least as much as I have in recent years) makes me sad.

This Saturday my aunt and I are going to Chicago on the train and I'm super excited. Cheesecake Factory, Coach store, and Garrett's Popcorn are all we go for, but it's still fun to walk around the Water Tower mall. It's kind of our annual thing, though this will be the first time going on the train and I'm really looking forward to it!

December 18 needs to get here quickly, but I can live with just December 10 getting here quickly. (December 18 is when everything is over--I have to work graduation on that day. December 10 is when everything will be done class and assignment-wise for the semester.) It'll come quickly enough...


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