I just think it is so amazing the things that education can do. (I always try to make a bold statement up front as to catch my reader's interest. Haha.)

With that being said, I never thought I'd be as interested in disabilities as I am. For a long time I think I was afraid of people with disabilities, actually. All I can attribute that fear to is being ignorant. I didn't understand why people were the way they were and I didn't know how to react to them; it made me uncomfortable. I think this is, unfortunately, a normal reaction. Another reaction is to make fun of someone with a disability, which is also sort of a coping mechanism for not really understanding. (Which is why we make fun of other cultures, races, sexualities, etc). And finally, we ignore those with disabilities because we don't know what to do.

And that's why I love learning. It demystifies things that I don't know about and opens up possibilities that I would've never thought for myself. Perhaps it's the wrong way to think of things, but I can't help but have pride in the students who come through our office and are successful. All we do is give them the things they need to succeed. That's all. That's practically nothing. And they don't need/want my satisfaction in their success. But I'm just happy that I can have a hand in that.

This little commentary comes after watching the film, Temple Grandin, which is about an autistic woman who is quite successful in the field of animal behaviorism. Fascinating and inspiring movie. Loved it.


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