I've decided that I have expensive taste, even though I'm a bargain shopper. I lovelovelove getting my Marie Claire magazine every month, but I always find that the things I adore most are also the most expensive things on the page. My latest love (though not found in Marie Claire) is this handbag. After I got my Hobo International wallet, I've kind of been obsessed with the brand. The leather is vintage and quality (which is why it costs so much) and this color is great. Perhaps this will be my graduation present to myself. I do have some extra cash from my tax return coming, even though the plan was to save it all. Hmm... maybe just a little splurge is in order.

Today was such a lovely day and I felt guilty for only going out to run an errand and get some lunch. The forsythia is opening and all of the trees have little buds on them. The air just smells different once it starts to get warm out. I love it! I had to turn on the fans, though, which is somewhat disappointing. It's just funny to me that there only about two days in the spring and two days in the fall when I don't need a heater or fan running. There is generally no happy medium in Illinois.

Four full weeks until I am done forever. I wrote out my to-do list and this is what it looks like...

It's actually a lot shorter than it feels like it is. I just need to keep in mind that it's not that much. I am having a horrible time getting motivated to do any of this, especially this weekend when I have two interviews on my mind, which I also don't feel like preparing for. Will I ever feel like doing anything ever again? I hope so, because I'm feeling worthless lately.


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