Today's List (Day 4):
Today's Playlist

Well, I don't/can't really listen to music while I'm at work, but if I did it would be my Dario Marianelli Pandora station, which essentially plays songs from movie scores and I lovelovelove it! (I'm on break right now, so I decided to start playing it and so far I've heard songs from The Hours and Edward Scissorhands. The best!) Other than that, tonight while I'm driving to Philip's, I'll be listening to the dubstep mix that he made for me.


I've had to laugh the past few days because I've had a few students that think they are the bomb diggity, as it were. The one yesterday had aspirations to go to an Ivy League university, which is great, but he was very condescending to me and I'm not sure why. Because I work at a community college? Well, sorry to break it to ya, buddy, but you're going to be attending one... for now, anyway! The student today placed developmentally in English and math and was just sort of crazy, in general. He said that he knows words that other people can't even pronounce (okay, great--can you spell them, use them in the correct context with appropriate grammar, and construct surrounding paragraphs that make sense?) and that he was doing college-level math in 6th grade. Oh... people. Funny.


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