Today's List (Day 5):
Weekend Goals

Weekend's halfway over, but...
Sleep in
Spend time with my boyfriend
Celebrate me and my uncle's birthday with my family
Maaaybe clean a little :P
Not stress over my upcoming phone interview


I think I'm done shopping at the mall. For one, the clientele is becoming a little sketchy. Okay, maybe a little more than a little. I almost don't feel comfortable being there at times. The problem might also be that I'm just not feeling the current fashions; I couldn't find anything that I liked. I have a little disposable income right now and I wanted to buy some cute clothes, but I didn't see anything that I wanted! This is strange for me. Maybe I'm becoming more picky or maybe there is just nothing out right now or maybe my expectations are high since I can basically find anything and everything I want on the internet. It was a disappointing trip. (A good problem to have.)


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