Today's List (Day 8):
In My Bag

Planner, coin purse, pill case (Tylenol, Pepto), Clinique compact, hand sanitizer, tampon, key to Turner's house (I'm housesitting starting Friday), Hobo International wallet, cell phone, mints, wipes for my glasses... all in a Hobo International purse that I love!


I'm one step closer to having all of my dreams come true. It sounds so silly to say that, but I almost really do feel that way. I had my phone interview this morning for the advisor positions here at Heartland. I was sooooo nervous, but it went well, I think. Padriac, the Dean of Enrollment Services, told me afterwards that I did good, so that's a good sign. Candace Brownlee, the Director of Student Recruitment, came in and gave me a hug and said that she's excited for me. Candace and Amy have both said that I'm more well-suited and qualified to stay here in Advising anyhow. (Remember that I wasn't offered the position in Recruitment in April?) Anyway, if I get offered an in-person interview, that'll be next week sometime. I've been telling myself to be humble, even though I'm currently doing the job, and I feel like my level of humbleness has given me a lack of confidence. I've also been worrying about the other candidates being rock stars and outshining me. I've decided, though, that I am a rock star and I'm going to focus on that. I am and will continue to be a good choice and I need to remember that!


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