Phil and I have been discussing and sort of stressing over the whole prospect of moving in together. With him working in Peoria and me working in Normal, the possibilities are limited and we'd both be making sacrifices (mostly financial, of course) to do it. We've been toying with the idea of him just working at Proctor until he could find something in Bloomington--then we would move in together here. Living somewhere in between Peoria and Bloomington is pretty much a commitment to him staying at Proctor. There are other factors, as well, and it's just a confusing situation!

Anywaaay... I've been perusing craigslist to see if there are any postings for good places. Last week I saw a place in Mackinaw that was pretty cheap in terms of rent and sounded fairly nice; I'm still awaiting pictures and word from the landlord on if they will allow Chloe. I'm not impressed that it's taken them this long to get back to me, being that she told me she'd do so this past weekend sometime.

Tonight, though, I saw a posting for a place in Deer Creek that is within our price range and in the same area that my friend Hannah will be moving to with her husband next week! In fact, we'd be neighbors!

It's a duplex--2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, two levels, garage, small patio, allows pets. It's cheaper than the place at Cape Cod in Morton and seems nicer, bigger, and more up to date. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if we're able to look at it sometime this weekend. If it's as good as I think it might be, I think it might be a winner! We're really excited and I hope it works out!


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