Today's List (Day 11):
Favorite Things About This Time of Year

1. It's starting to feel like fall, which is probably my favorite season!
2. All the pumpkin and Halloween stuff is going to be in stores soon (if it isn't already)!
3. I always liked the start of the school year. It feels a little different this time around, but I'm happy that I'll always be around the feeling of the beginning of school!
4. It's almost Philip birthday!
5. I can watch Hocus Pocus in a few weeks!

So many exclamation points, but I really do love this time of the year!!!


I'm excited because at work on Friday we talked about all of the office switching that will take place soon. I'll be moving out of the corner office that I've been occupying since I started to a smaller office that doesn't have windows. I knew that the time would come and I'm fine with it; I feel lucky to have the job and even have an office. I'll definitely miss the window, but if I stay there for a few years (or longer... probably forever), I'm sure eventually I'll have a window again. My desk will be the same size as I've had (which is big!) and I'll have a tall bookcase and big file cabinet. The actual office size is bigger than those with windows (except the one that I've been in). It's towards the front of the office suite, so I'll probably get asked questions all of the time, but that's okay. It'll also be noisy, but I'll deal with it! I can't wait to actually move in, bring in my stuff, and make it my own. I've held off from doing that with this corner office just because I knew it wouldn't stay mine. I'll definitely have to take pictures like a dork when I move in, because I'll be so excited!


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