Today's List (Day 8):
Things That Remind Me of My Childhood

There are probably a ton of things, day after day, that remind me of my childhood. Instead of racking my brain to come up with things, I'm going to change this post a little... to "Things That I Remember Most Vividly From Every Age (By Elementary School Year)," because that's way easier.

My first "boyfriend," Bryan. Being made of fun by the girls because I wore undershirts and they would say I was wearing a bra. Looking back I can't believe that this happened in preschool... I mean, I was like 4 and 5 years old! I also remember the little "programs" that we put on for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Playing on the monkey bars that we had in our classroom. (Do kindergarten classrooms still have monkey bars?) Wearing my little monitor to school to detect that I had a heart murmur. (I have a double heart murmur, in fact.) Some boy looking up my skirt when I was wearing a dress.

First Grade
Making gingerbread houses with milk cartons as the foundation. Having our troublesome addition problems taped on our desks (I still remember that mine were 6+4 and 8+4). Lindsay not being able to correctly say the word "desks." A girl named Tabitha getting in trouble for stealing stickers from the teacher.

Second Grade
Missing the Valentine's Day party because I had the chicken pox. Learning to write in cursive and hating those little contraptions that they put on pencils so that you hold it right. (I do hold it right now, though!) Being jealous of the little Asian kid that had the big box of Crayons (96!) with the sharpener on the back.

Third Grade
Crying that I got a certain teacher and then loving her the most of any teacher I ever had. Needing and getting glasses. Wishing that I was in my best friend's class. Doing flipflops at recess. Being amazed by the "brew" at the Halloween party. (Some mom was using dry ice or something and so it looked like it was boiling over.)

Fourth Grade
Being checked for lice in our classroom. (There must have been a lice epidemic that year, because it felt like it was happening all the time.) Having some girl who I hated draw on my sweatshirt with highlighter. (I was sooo pissed.) Creating new games at recess.

Fifth Grade
Passing notes to Jessica and us thinking we were getting in trouble when, in fact, we were being chosen for Young Authors, a prestigious award for a fifth grader. We got to meet an author at the Normal Public Library (Natalie Kinsey-Warnock, author of The Canada Geese Quilt) and have lunch with her. We also got to judge future entries into the Young Authors program. During a parent/teacher conference, I remember my dad commenting on how my handwriting was the straightest on a bulletin board in my classroom. (Everyone else's was all lopsided!) My first group project, which included making a skeleton out of every day objects (empty milk gallons for lungs, rulers for ribs) and creating an alarm clock (I'm pretty sure we used the game Mouse Trap to create our's).

Sixth Grade
Me and Abby using our jackets to catch butterflies at recess. We would then put them into jars and have them on our desks at school. We also made friendship bracelets and tried to sell them. We were saving up money to buy a horse (ha!), which would live at the stable that used to be where Vernon Stables now is. Getting my first C in math. Having the first sex and condom talk at school and not understanding it at all!


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