It's so weird, but I oftentimes get teary-eyed when I think about England. I know that people (mostly my boyfriend... er... FIANCE!) probably get annoyed with me because I bring it up a lot, but I doubt that my love for that country will ever go away. So many things remind me of it and it's just one of those things that, until you've experienced it, you can't quite understand... but once you've experienced it, you just know!!!

I got an email from John Harding today, who was my supervisor for my internship at the University of Cambridge last summer. He wanted to tell me that he gave the first award from the fund that the research I did over the summer helped secure and that they have 20 other applications. Basically it's a pot of money that international disabled students are able to use to fulfill academic-related needs that have to do with their disability--so it could be things like paying a notetaker or getting a laptop that has specific software. I'm so excited to learn that there are so many applications! It's just really exciting that I actually helped do something for this awesome university and its students and it makes me so happy that he emails me to keep me in the loop. It just gives me peace.

In other news, I'm bummed because the photographer that I wanted to do our wedding isn't taking any more weddings for September of next year. I can't believe that she's already has that many weddings 11 months from now. Guess I have some searching to do. It's just crazy to me how quickly things book up. Oy.

Last night I had an overwhelmed-by-wedding-stuff moment and, after freaking out a bit, I became annoyed because I know that I shouldn't already be doing this to myself. I just want everyone to be happy and have what they want/envision and I feel like I've put a lot of pressure on myself for it to be perfect and I'm already seeing that there's no way for that to happen. It'll be perfect enough (remember that concept of "enough"?) and I need to remember that.


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