Well, Evelyn Chapel is pretty much a no-go. You literally only get the chapel for three hours if there are other weddings scheduled that day. Three hours for everything--set up, pictures, ceremony, more pictures, clean up. It's possible that you can have more time if there aren't other weddings scheduled that day, but I don't think I want to take that risk. The last thing I would want is to be stressed out about having enough time for the ceremony.

I'm looking into the Unitarian Universalist Church in town, though I already know that family members will not like the idea of us getting married there. I personally do like it because it's inclusive of all religions and I feel connections spiritually to ideas and concepts above and beyond Jesus Christ. I already heard back from the UU Church and they allow nonmembers and I would be able to have the officiant I want, so this is a plus. I've never been in the space before, so I suppose I could go look at it.

I'm also looking into Calvary United Methodist Church. My former colleague, Grant Armstrong, is a pastor there and so if they don't allow other officiants, I would feel comfortable with him conducting the ceremony. He already said that they allow nonmembers, so that's a good sign. My only concern is that the congregation is huge and the worship space is large. Hopefully there would be some way to make it feel more intimate. I'm waiting to hear back from him with the wedding coordinator's information so that I can ask those types of questions.

I'm glad that we at least have some other options. I'm learning that I need to be more flexible and that I need to not get my heart set on things, because I'm only setting myself up for disappointment.


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