I love The Pioneer Woman. I wish I was The Pioneer Woman. I truly do have aspirations of being super domestic and creative someday, but I think deep down I am just a lazy, boring person. I blame it on not having the appropriate space and tools, but we'll see if I feel and behave differently once we move in together and get into the married life routine.

On a seemingly unrelated note, I am over purchasing books to read. Although I think it would be fun to have a living room filled with books and bookshelves, it honestly feels like a waste of money and space to me. I only get around to reading a book for a second or third time unless I really love it; all of the rest of them just sit there gathering dust until I feel like they aren't cool anymore and then I give them to Goodwill. So... I'm done buying books unless I read it once and just really need to have it at my disposal at all times.

Enter the I-Share catalog and Heartland Community College's library. I've been meaning to get The Pioneer Woman's book called "From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" for awhile and finally requested it from I-Share during my break one day. This is such a great solution for me because, even though the Normal Public Library is literally a five minute walk from home, I can request the book from my office and pick it up in the library at work. It's quite convenient. In fact, I need to figure out how to get on the list so that the librarians will drop off my checked out books in my mailbox. It really couldn't get any easier than that.

So... I started reading the book last night and it's so good and cute. It's a love story about how she and her husband met. The thing I love about reading is that you can imagine just exactly what the place looks like when the author is describing it--if the author is a good one, at least. I've also laughed out loud a couple of times while reading this book so far, which is a good sign. I am quite enjoying it.

And while searching for the image of the book cover, I find out that it's being made into a movie, which will star Reese Witherspoon. Annoyed. But I'll probably go see it. I hope it's not Sweet Home Alabama-ish, because I can't stand that movie.


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