We had our engagement pictures today! For a long time I honestly wasn't looking forward to them because I just couldn't decide what to wear! I couldn't find the perfect thing, though I don't even know what that would have been unless I saw it. My expectations are so high for everything to be perfect and super cute and unique in every way because I see all of these awesome things on Pinterest all the time. For instance, I was going to make a little pennant for us to hold that said "09.22.12," but I totally forgot about it. It would've been cute for save-the-dates, but that's okay.

Our outfits turned out to be fine, I guess. At the last minute on Sunday I found a cute shirt that's purple, so at least if we use one of that outfit for the save-the-date, the color will match somewhat to the wedding. I'm not super concerned about that, but it would be nice!

I didn't know what to expect; that was the main reason why I was nervous, I think. The temperature was ideal, but it was windy, so my hair probably looks a hot mess in a lot of the pictures, but oh well. Unfortunately there wasn't any snow left and the ground was pretty soggy, but again... oh well. The sun was out and I think they got some cool shots. They took us to a park with some wooded areas and another park that had a really cool stone bridge. And then we changed outfits and did some "urban" shots in downtown Bloomington.

I can't wait to see how they turned out... we shall see in about two weeks!


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