I should really do better about posting things sometimes that aren't wedding related, but alas...

Wedding Wednesday
  • See previous post about my bridal shower that aunt Peggy hosted!
  • I forgot to take a picture of Grandma Bean's shower invite from a few weeks ago. It's this weekend!
  • Candle holders for reception centerpieces arrived from ebay. They're alright. I recruited my dad to spraypaint them silver (instead of black) and I definitely like them better now. I'm not totally thrilled with them, but they're good enough, I guess.
  • Still plugging away at that direction sheet for the invitations. I'm pretty sure I've got it figured out, but I'm honestly just annoyed by it at this point! Invitation assembly line to commence shortly. I feel like I'm behind on this, since I want them to go out on Monday.
  • I'm having trouble falling asleep because I'm thinking of all the details that still need to be nailed down. I also had my first wedding dream (nightmare) the other night, which involved me being a hot mess with my dress wrinkly and dirty, no makeup, bad hair, and a clingy veil! Oh and I think we were also late? So funny. 
  • I cannot say enough good things about the wedding planning website that I'm using, Wedding Wire. (It's also where our wedding website is hosted.) I don't think I'd be able to plan this whole thing on my own without it. The site looks kind of unimpressive, but the tools that it gives you are so great. Just with guest information alone, I can keep track of who I've sent invitations to, RSVPs, I can track gifts and who I've sent thank yous to, I've even created the reception room and I'll assign each guest to a table and seat. I can run stats on how many guests are my family/friends or his family/friends. There's a budget tool to keep track of how much everything is and when payments are due. There's a checklist that gives you suggested times to get everything done and I can put in my own appointments. It's so awesome. Just had to put that out there!
There's more, like sending off payments and making appointments, but I'll save that for when the stuff actually happens.

59 Days Until Our Wedding


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