Wedding Wednesday
  • Let's Party Rentals has lost my business. I was in there two Fridays ago, if you so vaguely remember, to look at centerpiece ideas. She let me bring home a few things to play with (which I thought was great customer service). I went back the next day to return them and she said she didn't know how many of the tall centerpieces she had, but that she would check and call me. Two weeks passed and I never heard from her, so last Friday, I contacted her to see what was up and she says, "Yeah--sorry I didn't call you back. We only have 5." I need 15, but still, lady, call me back to let me know! So I don't trust that kind of unprofessionalism and will now be seeking out other ideas for centerpieces. I ordered candle holders from ebay at a little over $10 each, so hopefully they work out. Afterwards, I'll attempt to resell them on Recycled Bride. (Sidenote: I need to open up a wedding rental business in Bloomington-Normal. Let's Party has negative reviews all over the internet, which made me leery of doing business with them from the start, but their website and showroom are also a disaster. I would be so good at running that type of business and I would love it!)
  • Invitation work was commencing in full force this weekend! Address labels are done and attached to the envelopes, I went to the post office to weigh the invitation, I bought stamps for both invitations and RSVP envelopes, attached stamps to the RSVP envelopes, and I figured out a better way to tackle the logos, which were driving me a little nutty...Once I had a little system for the logos, they were actually really fun to make and I was sad when I was done with them. My corner-rounder has been my bff throughout the whole invitation process (even though I'm sure nobody will even notice). The direction sheet will be the death of me. It's just complicated to print because it's double-sided and things never line up accurately. So guests: be thankful for the direction sheet (just kidding... but not really). Hopefully by this time next week the invitations will be fully ready to assemble.
  • Everything is purchased that I'm going to be wearing. I got all gussied up for my dad to see. :)
  • I need to get on the ball about a wedding workout, but I'm just not caring that much. I would like to up my productivity a bit. The Turner's (where I'm housesitting) have an elliptical, so it's been nice to read while ellipticaling it up. Every little bit helps, but I honestly feel like I look decent as it is?
66 Days Until Our Wedding!


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