No pictures this week, so kind of a boring post... sorry!
  • Dad got his suit. He even got his tailoring done. He looks super cute!
  • I met with the guy from Casey's on Friday about flowers. We've firmed up the details and I'm so excited! They will be very pretty.
  • I picked up my wedding gown on Saturday! It's beautiful and fits me like a glove. I can't stop looking at the pictures of me in it that my aunt took. It is very me. I can't wait to wear it alllllllll day. I didn't want to take it off! Joy (Philip's mom) and my aunt Peggy picked up their dresses on Saturday too. It was fun to have a little trying-on party at the alterations place. I still need to get my dress steamed. There are a few tiny spots on it (it was a sample, so lots of other girls tried it on before me), so I need to get those cleaned too. I'm really scared to take it to the dry cleaner's, but I gotta have faith! I need to do this soon since I don't know how long it'll take them.
  • The ceremony programs are done. Still plugging away at menus! Other random crafting is always going on. I've been bad about taking pictures of everything lately as I'm working on stuff--need to do better because I want to remember everything!
  • It's been hard for me to fall asleep at night because I have so much going on in my brain. I've put some scratch paper and a pen on my bedstand so that I can write stuff down and organize it the next day. I have about three lists going right now of "to buy," "to do," and "to take with." I have lists of questions to ask people. I do feel like a lot of my questions have been answered, though, so I'm feeling good about everything for the most part. I am really just in the nitty-gritty right now of details. Details details details!
10 Days Until Our Wedding!!!
Oh. Em. Gee. Where has the time gone?!


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