Marriage Monday - Ceremony

Last week's blog was supposed to be about the program and this week was supposed to be about the ceremony, but they are basically one in the same, so here goes.

I made the programs. They took me a long time.

This is the best picture I have of it, because the photographer forgot to get a photo of it.

I was pretty proud of them. I thought they were cute. They fanned out with three pages. The front page was the ceremony program, the middle was the wedding party, and the last page was the "In Memory" page. They were held together with fancy pronged thingies--I had several different kinds, so each one was a little different. The corners were rounded and that took foreverrrrr.

I kind of miss doing crafty things!

From the picture, you can tell what the ceremony was like. I was lucky enough to basically wordsmith the entire thing myself, with Philip's go-ahead, of course. Our officiants (and my friends) were very gracious and just let me do what I wanted to do. The ceremony on the day ended up being a little longer than I wanted, but whatever. It was our wedding day!


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