Marriage Monday - Bubbles

After our moment alone, we waited for everyone to file outside the chapel. The weather was perfect that day--a crisp fall day with lots of sunshine.

The wedding coordinator at the chapel told us to stop and kiss outside... it was kinda awkward haha.

It was fun to walk through the bubbles. :)


I don't think I realized how long my train was until I saw this picture. (Thanks, Han, for the pics!)

I had really wanted to do something more original than bubbles, but I also didn't want to spend a lot of time or money on our "send off." I would've loved to have done balloons, but the logistics weren't worth it. It was simple and worked just fine.

Other Marriage Monday news:
  • We got a doggie this weekend! Philip is stressing about it. Riley is such a good dog (very cute and loving), but he doesn't know any simple commands like sit, lay, stay, come, etc. which is making it difficult to accomplish anything with getting him and Chloe acclimated to each other.  She is very scared and darts to get away from him; he then wants to chase her. We almost think that if she was more aggressive towards him and would scare him a little, that everything would be better! We'll see how it goes.
  • I made Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint Gooey Cake Bars on Saturday. They are delicious. Make them! (Also, I feel like Blogger has become more finicky. I tried to post the photo from the blog of these cake bars and it wouldn't work. Stupid Blogger.)


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