The dining room was the first room that we painted. It was this weird purple/lavender/gray color that I might've otherwise kind of liked... but not for a dining room.
Before: Testing out our two neutral tan colors. |
There's that god-awful carpet and curtain situation again. |
The only good thing about the dining room was the light fixture. Glad we didn't need to change that!
Awe! But there's that nasty brown trim again! |
After: Don't mind the wrinkly curtains. |
After |
This dining room table and hutch came from my dad's. He and I together carried those pieces from our dining room at his house to our new house (with some help from his pick-up truck on the way). It was so heavy! The set is what my mom picked out years ago and it's not the most modern furniture ever, but I wanted to have it because it's high quality and sort of sentimental for a few reasons.
The dining room is the only room where I have Precious Moments. Precious Moments were my mom's thing. She has hundreds of them. One evening I went to my dad's and picked out which ones I wanted to take with me. Even though they are cute, I am not a collector of stuff and I don't feel the need to have a whole bunch of them in my house. However, I wanted to have a few and I thought putting them in the hutch would be appropriate. Also, we have china and crystal in the hutch. The china was my Grandma Scheffert's and after she died, my mom went on a wild goose chase trying to finish the set. So now I have this beautiful set of china that has blue flowers on it, which is why I went with navy for the room accent color.
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