Book Review - Whiteout by Ken Follett

Ken Follett is an author that I discovered while I was in England. My house mum and dad had encouraged me to read a book of his entitled "The Pillars of the Earth" because it was about building cathedrals in England during the 1100s. Once they had heard that I loved cathedrals, they thought I would enjoy the book. They were right! I also read a second book of Follett's while I was in England called "World Without End" which is kind of a follow-up to the first book and includes the same characters in a future generation. I love Follett's writing style, so I wanted to enjoy another book of his.

"Whiteout" is about a pharmaceutical company in Scotland that holds samples of dangerous diseases in order to study the effects on animals, as well as potentially find cures. There is a plot by criminals to steal a sample for biological warfare. It's action-packed and would probably make an interesting movie.

I enjoyed this book, but was bored at certain parts. All of Follett's books are long and usually I enjoy the amount of detail, but this one could have cut out a little bit here and there. It's set during the winter (at Christmas time, specifically), so I think it would have been better to read it at that time during the year. This book by Follett would not be one of the first I would recommend, but I did like it!  


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