This year has been a bit of a shit show.

In general, I believe I'm pretty good about keeping life in perspective. A lot of times I see things that others complain about to be rather inconsequential. I am able to see the good. 

But this year has been a bit of a shit show. It could've been worse... yes. But it definitely could've been better.

Philip took a job that he despised. I was in a bit of a funk for part of the year (sort of depressed?). My dad was in the hospital. We dealt with cat drama. My car was broken into and my purse was stolen. A lot of friends and family dealt with crazy situations. Our country elected a clown for president. I've struggled with my job a bit. Some of that is #firstworldproblems. We have jobs! Everyone's depressed! People are in the hospital! Cars get broken into and identities get stolen! I understand, but it is what it is.

In the midst of a not great year, I still tried to remember (every once in a while... when I was sitting at my desk in the office room...) to write down what the best thing was or what I was grateful for that day. Here are the 71 things I wrote in 2016 in no particular order:
  • Cute goat
  • Thank you via email from a student
  • Good hair cut
  • Seeing a movie with Philip
  • Playing basketball with Philip
  • Game night with the family
  • Cupcake class
  • Philip talking about cheeseburger scented aromatherapy
  • Nice deck weather
  • Hanging out with Ryan
  • Time with Philip on the deck
  • No class today because of spring break
  • Good pizza for dinner / Magic Mike
  • Pretty snow + nowhere to go
  • Time in DC on my own
  • Leaving work early
  • Snow day!
  • Blues won the first game
  • Watching Fuller House
  • Ian brought me puppy chow
  • Chad winning $40 from the lottery ticket I bought him
  • A new year
  • Chipotle
  • Pretty sunrise
  • Delicious Subway for lunch
  • 4th of July party!
  • Emerson's party / playing at the park 
  • Leisurely buying groceries
  • Harry Potter marathon
  • Free pizza at Monical's
  • Blues win!
  • Baby Dory (from Finding Dory)
  • Yummy lunch from Oogie's
  • New job for Philip
  • Bourque game night (so many laughs)
  • Chloe's tic tac box hat (Philip had put an empty tic tac box on her head and it made me laugh a ton)
  • Beautiful day + $155 profit (from garage sale)
  • Spending all day with Philip
  • Birthday wishes on Facebook
  • Free pizza
  • Bubble tea with Michelle
  • Ugly sweater fun
  • Chatting with dad
  • Philip bought me tulips and they were on the table when I got home
  • Today was just a day, but I'm glad dad is okay and home
  • Crab cake
  • Philip gave me a massage
  • Beautiful day / coffee and book outside
  • Scholarship night at work
  • Laughing at Busy Corner with Ryan on his birthday
  • Game night laughs
  • Watching the person in the car in front of me dancing
  • Seeing Mitchel (a former student who stopped by on his winter break to see me)
  • Getting DNA results back
  • The note Philip wrote and put in my lunchbox
  • Date night at the Cornbelters
  • Dinner and talking life with the Bourques
  • Ghost lights on the house outside
  • New roof!
  • Good food at Vinyl and Vino
  • Snuggly morning with Philip and Chloe
  • Remembering I'm alive
  • Lovely pumpkins on a magazine cover
  • Day off + caramel corn
  • Philip saying he was proud of me
  • Time with family
  • Dr. Pearce telling me I should apply for the director job
  • Synchronized fountains at Ryan's pool
  • Making nicknames for Hector with Ian (Hector the Connector)
  • Moosetracks ice cream 
Some themes: spending time with my family and Philip, food, laughing. I'm glad that I do this because it's nice to think back about the good things of the year, no matter how small they may seem. It reminds me that life is generally good and that I'm lucky to have a good marriage with someone who makes me laugh and family that I actually like spending time with. I don't really do resolutions, but I will try to remember to include more days in the coming year.

I've found, though, that it can be hard sometimes to think of the best thing of the day or what you're grateful for. The typical "that I have a house" or "that I have a job" come to mind. I am always grateful for those things, of course. But it is sometimes hard to think of something specifically for that day. After reflecting, I think it's okay that there are those days where it's hard to think of something because some days are shitty or completely neutral. That is life, and a lot of times life is not extraordinary, but extremely ordinary.


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