Sandy's Recipe Book - Funfetti Cookies

Funfetti Cookies

Recipe from: Sis (my great aunt)


  • Mix together:
    • 1 Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix
    • 2 eggs
    • ⅓ cup oil
  • Roll into 1 inch balls and flatten with a glass dipped in sugar
  • Bake at 375° for 8-10 minutes
  • Can be frosted. Freeze well.
First of all, this recipe being from Sis really brought back memories for me. Sis was my mom's aunt--my grandma's sister--who lived in LeRoy. Her real name was Lorraine, but "Sis" was her nickname and she was never called anything else. Well, sometimes we called/call her Sis Piss with a lisp because it's fun and funny. Not disrespectful at all! Just being silly gooses.

We didn't visit Sis too often, but we'd always make the trip to LeRoy at Christmastime. My brother and I would request the Alvin & the Chipmunks Christmas album on the way and we'd listen to it on cassette tape. I'm pretty sure my mom hated those songs and dreaded our request. Sis would always get us little trinket toys for Christmas that I looked forward to. Her house was kind of small with tucked away rooms. It was dimly lit and had sort of a mysterious feel to it. Sis Piss was an interesting character.

I made these cookies a few months ago, not knowing that the recipe was in my mom's recipe book! I had a Christmas-themed Funfetti cake mix on hand and wanted to use it but didn't necessarily want cake or cupcakes, so I looked up on the internet how to make the cake mix into cookies. Lo and behold, I had the recipe in my kitchen cabinet the whole time. I don't remember my mom ever making them, though.

This is perhaps the most simple "recipe" you'll ever find and it makes a delightful sugar cookie. Very soft and moist and excellent flavor. Canned frosting is a must to top them off. Sometimes when I find something so easy and delicious, I wonder why we even bother to make the item from scratch. Why complicate life, ya know?

Meijer was out of plain Funfetti (of course), but I got the yellow cake Funfetti mix and they have the same flavor as regular. They also had cookies and cream, strawberry, and chocolate Funfetti cake mixes which I had never seen before--all of which would probably make a great cookie!

When I made them a few months ago, I was talking about how good they were to my coworker, Gloria. She seemed interested, so I decided to make them to share with her since she had a birthday today! Happy bday, Glo! 🎂


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