I made a huge purchase yesterday morning. I've been wanting a new computer for quite awhile but couldn't bring myself to do it because my old one was working fine. BUT, last week my Compaq started doing crazy things that I've never seen before and couldn't fix on my own. That computer was a good 4-5 years old, so it wouldn't have been worth it to try to fix it.

So I got a MacBook. And it's totally sweet. And it cost me $1400. And that's the biggest purchase I think I've ever made. But I'm an adult now, and I can do that because I'm responsible for myself.

And then yesterday evening my car doesn't start. My dad doesn't seem to know what's wrong with it either, which scares me because my dad is a car person. I hope it doesn't cost me a lot but my fear is that it will. I really just don't have a good $500 right now. And I hate asking for money. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I got an A in my first graduate-level course and I'm pretty excited about that. The class itself wasn't that challenging so it doesn't mean as much as it should. I had prepared myself for a lot of work and then didn't have to do that much. Now this summer class looks to be about the caliber I was expecting and I'm just not feeling like doing a lot of work, but I'll get there. I just need some time to reintroduce myself to the fact of "yes Sara, you're in graduate school now."


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