I must say that thus far into my graduate school career I am disappointed in my peers.

Discussion in class is much more worthwhile and insightful, compared to undergraduate. It's relevant and useful. Most of the time comments do come from the same little cluster of people, which is pretty representative of any group, since there are always going to be people who don't like talking in class. (I can't yet give myself brownie points for discussion in class, as I have yet to find my confidence and speak up when I think of something.)

Group work is what gets me, though. It's so exhausting worrying about the quality of the work others are doing and trying to make up for them because your grade depends on it. But then you feel like a weinie if you say anything to the group or to the professor. I don't even know if that would be appropriate in grad school to tell the professor. I guess I'll figure it out.


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