The midterm was finished Wednesday. Huge relief to have that done. It was purposeful though because there was a lot of critical thinking about the theories and without that midterm, I don't think I would have remembered the theories as well.

Now on to finding a practicum. I'M SO EXCITED! Wednesday in class Ashley and Tabby were there to talk about their experiences. It was helpful, but I still had a lot of questions and we spent a good portion of class having Dr. Phyllis answer them. I still have a lot and I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to ask because we're adults now and we need to step out and take risks and do things on our own without every little thing being approved. So... yesterday I sent my first email to inquire about an internship. At Cambridge University. In the Admissions office for the "Widening Participation Project" which is basically trying to get underpresented individuals to apply. SO NERVOUS. I sent three more today to the Continuing Education Institute, Careers Service, and Counseling Service. I think that's all I'll send to Cambridge because I don't want to do too many there and honestly, those are the only ones that really stood out for me with things I'd be interested in doing and would help me experience-wise and resume-wise. I think any of them would be great and I'm really anxious to hear back. I don't even know how many times I checked my email today; it was ridiculous. I can't expect them to respond in just a few hours. And now it's the weekend so I definitely won't hear anything--IF I hear anything--until next week. I know that I'll be able to find an internship somewhere in England, but I really want Cambridge for many reasons. For one, the experience and resume factor. It's one of the best, if not THE best, institution in the world. That alone is phenomenal. If I can work there... amazing. Two: Heather was there and made me feel like I'd really fit in there. Not too big of a town, nice people, safe, able to find lodging. Generally it sounds perfect and I'll be bummed in none of those four places respond or if it just doesn't work out for whatever reason. I will then look at Canterbury, even though at this point I don't even want to. I JUST WANT TO KNOW!

That's really all that's on my mind right now. I think I've jumped over the major hurdle for this semester with that midterm. There are several projects still--I want to say three?--but I can get through them.


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