I totally do not want to write this final paper for Dr. Phyllis' class--writing our own student development theory. For one, I can't think of a good population to write one about. I'm thinking of doing it on transfer students just because I have that experience already and know services for these students lacking and I always felt like at ISU there was just a general dismissal of the existence of transfer students. I'm not really sure how a transfer student's development would be any different, though--maybe it would include transition theory. Hmm... I've have to give that a thought. I just think that I've learned as much as I can learn about student development theory and I'm over it and tired of thinking about it. Eight pages isn't that much and I know it could definitely be worse. I'm just so looking forward to break.
Dr. Mo's class, on the other hand, has surprisingly turned more interesting since class has been... over. The two final pieces of the semester are a philosophy paper and pioneer research project. I've brainstormed throughout the semester on my final philosophy, so I think it will be fairly easy to put together. The pioneer thing is shaping up to actually be quite interesting--the pioneer that I chose is amazing. The only thing is the actual presentation, which I will stress myself out about because I get nervous talking in front of groups. It's only five minutes and it'll go fine... I just get myself freaked out about it. The other part is that I ended up having to choose a pioneer that someone else in the class already choose, so I'm going to try to go first so that I'm not covering the same information someone else later on in the class period and everyone's bored and/or comparing my work to the person who already talked about my person.
So anyway, three major projects left. The theory paper is the most daunting and I really need to start that tomorrow. Hopefully I've have a lot of time at work this week to work on it and really get down to business. I'd prefer to have it completely done by this time next week with only a final read-through left. I can't imagine what this time next year will be like. My colleagues seem stressed with the three classes, for sure. Graduate school is not a joke.
Dr. Mo's class, on the other hand, has surprisingly turned more interesting since class has been... over. The two final pieces of the semester are a philosophy paper and pioneer research project. I've brainstormed throughout the semester on my final philosophy, so I think it will be fairly easy to put together. The pioneer thing is shaping up to actually be quite interesting--the pioneer that I chose is amazing. The only thing is the actual presentation, which I will stress myself out about because I get nervous talking in front of groups. It's only five minutes and it'll go fine... I just get myself freaked out about it. The other part is that I ended up having to choose a pioneer that someone else in the class already choose, so I'm going to try to go first so that I'm not covering the same information someone else later on in the class period and everyone's bored and/or comparing my work to the person who already talked about my person.
So anyway, three major projects left. The theory paper is the most daunting and I really need to start that tomorrow. Hopefully I've have a lot of time at work this week to work on it and really get down to business. I'd prefer to have it completely done by this time next week with only a final read-through left. I can't imagine what this time next year will be like. My colleagues seem stressed with the three classes, for sure. Graduate school is not a joke.
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