Finally an email back from the DRC. Pretty brief, though--just to say that he's waiting to hear back from HR about next steps, I'm assuming for filing paperwork for me to get payment of some type. I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but I wish we could talk about dates and projects in the meantime. He did say that they would need a background check, so I'll work on that as soon as possible. At least it's still good news from them. I finally broke down and at the end of the week last week sent out a couple emails to Canterbury Christ Church University. I feel like I need to cover my bases now in case none of this works out. I do feel better/less pressure about the whole trip planning with Pam thing. I saw her over the weekend and let her know that I still don't have any information but once I do, I will let her know as soon as possible. She understands and gave me some info on what other trips she has planned for next summer, so I know now what else is going on for her. I just can't believe in six months I will be in England. Crazy. It will happen. And then I'll go on a 16 day adventure seeing the historical countrysides of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Perhaps even more crazy. I'm so lucky.

It's only the first hour of being at work with no homework to work on and I can tell I'm going to be super bored for the next six weeks. It's okay, though. No complaints.


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