Sending off these care packages to my soldiers before Christmas has been a pain in the ass. I know once I've done it the first time that I'll know how to do it for next time, but it's a lot of hoops to jump through. It's been quite expensive too, because I want to make it worth my while. I think I've spent close to $75 for each one, and it's $12 to send the package. I mean, it's my choice to buy whatever and put it in there--I want them to be excited about it, so I don't want it to be crappy. I think I'll only be able to do that once every 3 or 4 months though. Sending letters should be easier, so maybe I'll do that next time instead. Anyhow, I now have to go to the post office to weigh each individual item for customs. (I have 19 items per box.) I'm just scared of doing something wrong and then all of that money and time will be wasted. I also hope that it actually does get there on or before Christmas, though nothing inside of it is super-Christmasy and I know they'll enjoy it and be grateful no matter when it shows up. I'll just be glad when it's off my hands and I've successfully completed my first care package.

I'm meeting with Cecilia Olivarez on Friday afternoon--she's the director of advisement at HCC. Two months ago I sent an email to a former CSPA student who did his practicum there and then was offered a job there. I didn't hear back from him, but on Friday got an email from Cecilia suggesting that we meet to talk about the possibility of a practicum. She seems very nice and I'm excited to meet her, but I'm also wondering if she read closely the email that I sent to Matthew--ideally I would like an assistantship position for the entire academic year starting in August. The only other option for doing practicum there would be in summer 2011, which I would gladly take, but seems too far off to talk about at this point. (I did kind of want to go away for that practicum too, though I'm not totally sure how practical that would be while looking for a job/possibly going to interviews and moving.) So there's the possibility of a full-year assistantship or a practicum for summer 2011... I'm pretty stoked because regardless of the outcome, I've gotten my name and face out there.

In other good news, Bill informed me yesterday that he will be adding $300 pay onto my next two paychecks--my payment for editing the book. He also said another payment would be coming after those two, though he's not sure how much. So, I'm getting at least $600 for that work, which is great. I was hoping for at least $750. However, $1000 would have been phenomenal and I really do think I deserve that much. I wish I would've gotten it all at once though because, especially when I buy a plane ticket for England, it would have been nice to have that big chunk of money... but that's okay. I'm getting it, and I'm blessed for that opportunity.

Now all that has to happen is a "yes" from the DRC!


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