My suspicions were accurate--my job description is going from Secretary I to Secretary IV. Whatever that means. (According to Bill, it means a significant pay increase, but not enough to be more than what I would make as a professional in my career. So does that mean $15 an hour? $18 an hour cap?) Bill told me at lunch today in a way that makes it seem as though I won't get the benefits of this job description change, but rather, the person who replaces me.

I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm kind of resentful because all this time I feel like I should've been getting paid more and now someone else is going to come in and do my job (not as good as I've done it, of course!) and get paid more. On the other hand, I know that the money couldn't have come unless Advocate did and it's no one's fault that it has happened right when I'm leaving. On one hand, I'm jealous because I wish that it would've been me looking for a job when this different-salaried position opened up. On the other hand, I recognize that this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing for the rest of my life and I'm not in that place anymore. However, I can't help but wonder if I would've decided to stay in this job if this pay increase would've happened two years ago. Eh... I think it I would've gotten bored eventually and wanted something more. Who knows? I can't worry that much about it though.

My feelings will be a little hurt if Bill doesn't try to get this put through as soon as possible so that I can try to reep some of those benefits before I go. My feelings will be especially hurt if I find myself training the person for my job and they are getting paid significantly more than I will be as the training is happening. And I don't want to leave with a bad taste in my mouth like that. We'll see how that cookie crumbles.


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