Today was a good day of experiences. Experiences and nervousness and validation.

A couple of weeks ago I contacted Kera who works in University College as an academic advisor to ask about shadowing her. She, of course, was super nice and let me do that today for 1.5 hours. I felt like it was really important for me to see an academic advisor in action, especially after all of my recent speculation that I may not be good at it and may be pursuing this degree for no reason. After being there today, I can confidently say that I know I would love it. Today's sessions are exactly how I pictured they would be. I realize that not all of academic advising is what I observed today, but I'm just so glad to know that it's not completely different than I had imagined and that I will be good at it if I get a job doing it someday. It felt good.

And then after that I had my first interview for a GA position on campus. It was in the Career Center and I really amped myself up in terms of nervousness--ya know, doing an interview at the office and with the folks that, for a living, teach students how to do interviews well. Yeah. But I really felt like I prepared myself well for it... much better than I ever have for any interview in the past. And I think that it went okay. Not spectacular, not horrible... okay. It's always hard to gauge it. I think I answered almost all of the questions pretty well and I was myself. I actually think that this is the position that I would be best for in terms of skills and abilities and I know that I would like it. I just hope I was able to convey that in the interview. I should know in a few weeks.

I'm still waiting to hear from Cecilia at Heartland about an assistantship there in advising. Waiting always seems to be the name of the game lately.

I've gotten emails back from John Harding and Carrie Roberts in Cambridge, though. John looked over the outline that I put together for my project and added to it. I'm so blessed to be working with him because he seems so great. He's lining up a whole bunch of interviews for me to do and is looking into me visiting other colleges (at least three--London School of Economics, Oxford, Anglia Ruskin, and possibly Manchester). It's pretty amazing. And Carrie (who I will be living with) sent me some pictures of the room and bathroom.

It's so interesting to see what it actually looks like versus what I've pictured in my head from her descriptions. It looks very nice. I of course just continue to become more and more excited about my time there. They both have talked so much about Cambridge and it truly sounds like a dream during the summer. Ahh! I can't wait!


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