Incredible news! When I met with Cecilia on Friday, she let me know that I would get paid for the work I'm doing at Heartland. I am officially a "graduate intern" in academic advising and can work up to 15 hours a week. I'm so excited about it because I was going to do the work anyway for the experience and this way I won't have to get a second job to make ends meet. So, yes... awesome news!

Essentially I'm there to shadow the current advisers, learn more about the programs and classes, work on a couple of projects (an advising lab and a transfer day), and eventually advise students. I'll be there for the entire academic year and I can do my practicum there in the spring. The other fantastic part is that I'll be able to work there 30 hours over the summer if I need to--for example, if I'm unable to find a job right away. I'm so lucky to have this opportunity and I'm glad that I got in touch with Cecilia when I did.

The mug is my first Heartland paraphernalia as a staff member at HCC! Cecilia gave it to me today. So last night and tonight I was there doing new employee stuff and shadowing some of the advisers. It is simply fantastic. I can't wait until I know all the ins and outs of everything, because I already know that I will love it. Being with students one-on-one, listening to what they need, and helping them get there is what I'll really enjoy. I've just loved picturing myself doing this. It makes me so excited!

Today at the Accommodations Office I did my first training with a student. This was also pretty exciting. I was kind of nervous because I don't know the material very well myself, seeing as I just started last week. It went well, though, and again, I can't wait until I have everything down pat and can just focus on students without having to worry about my own competence level.

This semester is going to be so nut-so. Basically Monday through Thursday I will have 12 hour days between working at ISU, working at Heartland, and classes. I will be tired and will have little time for much else, but I'm still really excited about everything. Fun times as a grad student!


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