I know it's not quite the 31st, but I probably won't write tomorrow, so here's wishing you a fantastic Halloween. Halloween is probably my favorite holiday, but for some reason I just haven't been into it this year. I think I just have way too many other things occupying my brain lately and usually it seems I get all excited for nothing anyway.

I had my first hearing as a University Hearing Panelist this week. I was actually really nervous for it. Basically we ask questions to students that are "charged" with disobeying the Student Code of Conduct--things like the alcohol policy or disorderly conduct. We then decide if they were in violation and what sanctions they should be given if they were. I take it very seriously, both because what we decide is on a student's record and because I think it's really important that they learn from what they did (if they did it). I want to choose right and it's way harder than I had anticipated it to be. I liked doing it, though, even though it was difficult. I hate to say that it was fun, but it kind of was.

This second half of Stats class is going to kill me. It feels like an undergraduate class; I've not experienced being so lost and so bored and so underwhelmed by course material that I felt like I was going to fall asleep in class since then. What makes it worse is that I just can't understand why it's relevant for us in this graduate program. It doesn't seem like any of us will really be doing research as student affairs professionals. If it mattered and if I felt like I would use it in my future job, I would pay attention, but I just can't make myself care. I hope the rest of the semester isn't too painful; at least it's a group project and I can deflect some of the work onto them.

I'm finding out how little I can live on and be okay. Shopping is in my nature, so that's been difficult to not just buy what I want when I want. The $950 a month goes quickly when over half of it (really nearly three-fourths of it) is sent off in bills the same day it's deposited into my checking account. That's okay, though.

Not much else in these parts, I guess. Until next time...


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