I had two disappointments while at the mall this evening. The first was my "snack size" purchase of spiced pecans at the Bavarian nut counter. I must say that their "snack size" has been severely downsized from last year. I paid $2.50 for about a big handful of spiced pecans. Rip off.

The other was more than a disappointment. It was more of a pissed-off-to-the-point-of-wanting-to-call-the-company-and-complain experience. I had bought something at Spencer's. I haven't bought anything in there for about 8 years, let alone stepped foot in the store. Don't ask why I did it this time--I was literally checking every store in the mall for this thing I wanted to buy. Anyway, I bought the thing, but about 15 minutes later was having regret about it, so I took it back. First, the guy was telling me that they don't allow returns on the thing I wanted to take back. I kindly said, "But I was in here like, 15 minutes ago." He said he remembered me and that he would ask the manager. So the manager lets me return it and takes me to the counter to give me my money back. I give her the receipt, at which point she looks at me and says, "Unfortunately, we don't give cash returns if you bought it with cash." Wait a second. You don't give cash back... if you bought the thing with... cash? But... I bought it with cash. Fifteen minutes ago. "We only do exchanges or gift cards for items bought with cash." I have never, in all of my shopping experience, had this happen. I was really mad, but of course didn't take it out on her because she only works there. It makes absolutely no sense. So, I kept the thing I bought because God knows I need nothing else that the store supplies. I still might send a complaint because that is just ridiculous. Especially because I had bought the thing 15 minutes earlier. So, word to the wise--don't ever use cash at Spencer's because once it's theirs, it's theirs. It takes a lot for me to get upset enough to formally complain about something, but how does that makes sense at all?

Good news, though--I got $72 back for my research methods book from the Alamo. I would've only gotten $55 from Amazon, so I was quite happy about that.

Countdown until the semester is really really over for me: one book to read, one night of class, one paper, and seven days of work. THAT'S IT! And then I'm watching Netflix and reading books that I want to read. :)


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