I've decided to do something sorta fun for the next 30 days in my blog. Though I don't know how often anyone reads this thing (if anyone even does at all!), I thought it would be more interesting to have something besides my complaining to look at. I'm going to try to make it visually appealing, but we'll see how lazy I become as time progresses. Ha!

So... I'm copying my friend Ashleigh's blog idea from back in April. She started the 30 Days of Lists Challenge and I thought it looked fun. Here goes!

Today's List (Day 1): 
A Few Things About Me

I'm a cat lover, and really just an animal lover, and really just anything-that-is-cute-and/or-small lover. It makes me so happy.

I'm seriously addicted to chocolate... like, for real. If I don't have some every day, it takes a lot for me to not think about it and I'll go to great lengths to get some. It's a problem at times.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, though I'm starting to not be so bad about it.


BTW, I also have a phone interview next Tuesday at 11:00 for the advisor jobs at Heartland. I know everyone on the committee (Padriac - Dean of Enrollment Services, Cecilia - Director of Advisement, Matthew - Academic Advisor II and former practicum supervisor, and Emily - Academic Advisor II). I'm sooo nervous... it is incredible how nervous I am. I'll try not to spend so much time and energy worrying, but it's going to be very difficult.


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