So, yes... I have a jerb. And Philip has a jerb. And we can move on with our lives. I can't reiterate enough how happy, excited, and relieved we both are. I just knew we'd get jobs this week!

On Friday our plan is to drive around Morton and see what types of apartments are there. We probably won't move until the beginning of October, but it'll be fun to look. I hope we're able to find something that's nice and new-ish and not too expensive. The tricky thing will be finding somewhere that allows cats.

Now that it's actually going to happen, it's weird to think about packing up all of my stuff and moving, really for the first time ever. I wonder how much stuff I actually have. It doesn't seem like much (mostly clothes, really), but I'm sure it's more than I think. It'll be interesting to put all of our stuff together and it be our stuff. It's fun. And cute.

There will be a lot of logistical things like furniture to figure out. I always said when I moved out, I was going to take everything I own with me. I never understood why people left all sorts of stuff at their parents' house. Now I get it. I'm mostly thinking about furniture; I don't want/need this couch, these chairs, this coffee table, or these side tables. My bedroom furniture is my grandmother's and does sort of have sentimental value, but it's not really our style. My desk is my grandma's desk. It's pretty old and, even though I like old things, it would be nice to have a new one. Or two. Two new desks--one for each of us--that match. That'd be nice (but expensive) for our second bedroom (if we're able to afford an extra). So anyway... I guess I might be leaving furniture here and I hate to do that. I'm getting ahead of myself, which I also hate doing, so enough talking about this stuff. :P I'm just so excited!


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