Yesterday's List (Day 17):
Fictional Characters I Love

There are so many characters that I am just in love with and always will be. They are the ones that I am emotionally attached to, that I can see myself in. I have invested a lot of time and energy--and probably tears--into these characters and that's why they mean so much to me!
  • Hermione because she always reminded me of myself
  • Barney, Robin, Ted, Lily, and Marshall. I wish I had a group of friends like this.
  • Twilight characters
  • Charlotte, Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha--each other's soul mates. We've all been through a lot together.
  • Forrest Gump because everyone needs to be a little more like him.
  • Noah and Allie for their simple, but passionate, love.

Today's List (Day 18):
A Few of My Favorite Things

1. Philip (hugging him)
2. Chloe (kissing her on the top of her head in between her ears)
3. Storms (the real kind with high winds and hail that scares you a little bit even)
4. Vacation (being on a flight and laying on a beach)
5. Good books that have me living, momentarily, in another time and place
6. England (the oldness and feeling like a part of history)
7. Getting mail (the good kind--not junk!)
8. Finding a pen that writes well
9. Days that I can stay in my pajamas or wear a hooded a sweatshirt
10. Chocolate (especially things that are homemade)


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