I am having a major binging phase right now. I'm eating so horribly and that is not an exaggeration. I've got to do better. I just went into the break room and there were all of these leftover goodies from yesterday's Enrollment Services banquet and it took everything inside of me to not grab a cinnamon roll and two little brownies (especially because I am so hungry this morning). I even let out a little grunt because it was so difficult to leave empty-handed.

I really need to get back into shape. I've only gained like five pounds from my normal, but it feels like a ton. I don't really like to blast my get-fit plans, but at the start of the year I'm going to go back to the gym at ISU for the spring and summer semesters. After that, I'm going to join Gold's Gym Express. I just want to feel better all around, but I, of course, want to look great for the wedding and honeymoon and I need to start now. I hate working out when I feel out of shape, but I always feel so much better when I just do it. It's the starting and getting there part that's hardest for me. Once I have a routine, I actually enjoy it. So I need a routine. And I will... starting on January 3.

Nine months from today we're getting married!


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