It's crazy how some songs just always bring up certain memories for you.

I was in 3rd grade when this song came out; I was like 8 or 9 years old. I still love it and I still picture myself in the backseat of my dad's orange 1938 Chevy as we're driving to Columbus, Ohio for a national hot rod show in the summer. I listened to this cassette on my Walkman repeatedly during that six hour drive. I don't know what it was about this song back then; it's not catchy, but it's actually quite beautiful, I think. A small part of my heart is reserved for the old country music that I grew up on.

Don't mind the first 30 seconds or so. The audio isn't that great. Bear with me!

Also, Wynonna reminds me of my mom, minus the crazy red hair. It's amazing how similar their faces are.


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